At a glance

NOVOMINE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED was established with the prime objective of delivering a range of specialized services in the domain of Survey, Exploration, Geological Modelling, Hydro-Geological studies, conceptual & detailed Mine Planning & to accord approval, detailed Mine Design, detailed Feasibility reports & Project reports, EIA-EMP reports preparation & to accord approval, Mine Opening, Development, Operation, Closure, Reclamation, Geo-technical investigations etc.

The services are provided by the energetic and experienced professionals of today’s context and guided by the dynamic, pragmatic, qualified and highly experienced advisors in the domain of mining, geology, environment & allied sector.

In these recent years of journey, we and our associates have successfully worked on more than 80 blocks of Minor Minerals (Limestone, Boulderstone, Brick Earth, etc.) and our currently executing a diverse set of activities in numerous Coal and Non-Coal mining block projects within the state of Meghalaya. In these ongoing projects, our services are being provided in a wide spectrum of geological and mining operations starting from survey, to exploratory drilling, preparation of Geological Reports, Mining Plans, and EIA Reports.

Besides these achievements in the North-Eastern Region of India, our RQPs, Advisors, and Experts have completed many exploration projects, prepared numerous Geological Reports, Mining Plans, EIA-EMP and SIA Reports, and other statutory documents and reports, etc. in the sectors of Mineral Mining (Coal & Non-Coal), Civil & Mechanical Engineering, Ecology, and Biodiversity, Socio-Economics, Hydrogeology, and more all over India.
